Babby Talk 02.29.24
Low breastmilk supply, apero for preggo, shower-as-spa, and why baby soft skin is simply no longer good enough for babies.
This week I am thinking about IVF and the great state of Alabama. Certainly if corporations are people then embryos can also be people? Why not just go for it, right? Is what I imagine these a-holes were thinking. The idea that every embryo is a real life child disguised as a ball of cells would be funny if I wasn’t busy vomit-choking unable to breathe because these are actual laws being passed that affect alive human people’s living lives.
Both of my kids were born via IVF because sometimes making babies doesn’t just happen on its own. But you know what? Any person who has undergone IVF can surely tell you that not every embryo can or will become a baby. Maybe nobody has told that crazy old kook of a judge. Maybe he doesn’t know anyone who has struggled with infertility or multiples rounds of egg retrievals and failed implantations. But here it is again for the misogynists way in the back: not every embryo will be implanted in a uterus and not every embryo implanted in a uterus will be born. To suggest otherwise is cruel and hurtful and wrong.
How about embryos are not children until I can write them off as dependents on my tax return, ok? Is the Alabama legislature working on that too?
Today’s bit of rage brought to you by hormones, anxiety, fear and lots of hugging my small children too tightly.
And now, for some non-ragey stuff too. -Grace
6 things at least somewhat related to life with kids
Take Care: Could we use more shower opportunities? Sure we could. But in the event that it’s not feasible now or in the near future, honor the showers you do get with a decadent salt scrub that will transport you to a Japanese pine forest fed by natural hot springs.
Read: This is a simple, straightforward guide to anticipating, assessing and managing low breast milk supply. The most salient piece of advice being to let go of an “all or nothing” mentality, which we know personally is not always easy.
1+ in the family Rio Beanie Shop: Here’s a secret to make sure baby clothes fit well and last longer: cute little ribbed fabrics. They stretch, they retract, they are soft. And they are extra cute in the form of smol hats with stripes.
Read: Don’t know about you, but every time we look at our sweet babies we see…room for improvement! Skincare for babies is on the rise because those helpless losers can’t seem to get their shit together and just moisturize. We kid, we kid. But do take a moment to look at
’s recent Ask Ugly column on the rise of the Serum Mom.Kid Art Book by 600sqft and a Baby Make: Save your kid's art artfully, while also saving your sanity.
Sip: To be pregnant or a non-drinker is to feel left out of many a social gathering. But now you, the non-drinking and/or pregnant person, can tell everyone else to suck it because you can drink a delicious apero spritz with all of the chill vibes and none of the numbing headache the next day. So there.
Something that made us cry:

A few more for the road:
Easy, kid-friendly recipes from
with a lil surprise at the end!Baby, you were born to add (even if you weren't born in New Jersey!).
I jump, you jump, we all jump to make sure we do not have appendicitis!
Thanks for reading. Please email all constructive feedback with the subject line “I hate you I wish you weren’t my mom.” See you very soon.
Court + Grace
i love you i wish you were my mom!!!